Sunday, June 12, 2022

1093. His Town - Stephen Dunn

The town was in the mists of chaos.


He wasn’t surprised. What town wasn’t?

Everywhere the mists of property, the mists

of language. Every Main Street he’d known

shrouded in itself. The mist-filled churches

and the mist-filled stores in strange collusion.

Nevertheless, this was where he chose to live.

Clarities, after all, were supposed to be hidden;

otherwise, no fun in the classroom or in the field.

Life? His neighbors preferred the movie versions,

loose ends tied up, mists of romance and thrill,

And sometimes he did, too.

Now and again he’d get underneath, see

snakes in among the flowers; hearts askew.

And friends from cities would report

they’d been places where the mists had risen.

You needed to look aslant, they said,

so dangerous would the real appear a first.

No safety in the universe. He’d stay put.

Besides, he liked to be in the mists of tall trees

and in the mists of what made him hungry for more.

He liked the mistiness of familiar boundaries

so he could let in, secretly, what he loved.

And the chaos? It favored no geography,

a perpetual rumbling beneath and above him

wherever he was. He had lived with it so long

it was simply the music he worked to, slept to

and woke with, in the mist of it all.

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